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We publish new vacancies on our vacancies page troughout the year. Are you curious about the possibilities or do you have questions about one of our vacancies?


Our Recruitment team

Sophie van Daalen
Sophie van Daalen Manager Recruitment
Laurence Lippmann
Laurence Lippmann Corporate Recruiter
Anna Mkrtchian
Anna Mkrtchian Junior Corporate Recruiter
Veronica Vovard
Veronica Vovard Junior Corporate Recruiter
Kelvin Silvius
Kelvin Silvius Recruiter

You can find us here.

Cygnific B.V.
The Netherlands HQ

Molenwerf 22
1014 BG Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Cygnific B.V.
The Netherlands

Stationsplein 11C
7511 JD Enschede
The Netherlands

Are you curious about the possibilities or do you have questions about one of our vacancies?

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